This is a condition where there is a block at the junction of the pelvis of kidney and ureter (the tube carrying the urine to the bladder) due to which the urine that is produced by the kidney is not completely emptied leading to the pelvictasis (dilation of the renal pelvis) in turn causing damage to the kidney due to backpressure effect.
The stagnated urine also becomes a source for infection further leading to damage to the kidney reducing its function. Therefore it is essential to correct this surgically. The part of the kidney along with the narrow part (partial block) & ureter is cut and re-sutured to widen the junction of the renal pelvis and ureter to allow easy flow of urine to ensure proper anastomosis.
A DJ stent is introduced to allow easy flow of urine to the bladder. The DJ stent is removed endoscopically after a period of 1.5 to 2 months. Following the surgery the child requires to take chemoprophylaxis, low dose antibiotics till the next USG/ DTPA scan wherein the improved renal function is confirmed. This condition can be diagnosed during pregnancy and can be operated as early as 1.5 to 2 months of age.