Tracheo Esophageal Fistula

Case No. 24: Tracheo Esophageal Fistula
- Anomalous connection between the trachea and esophagus.
- Associated with VACTRAL group of anomalies.
- The weight of the baby, cardiac anomalies and the gap between the segments majorly influence the prognosis.
- In Pure atresia‘s and long-gap TOF’s an esophagostomy and gastrostomy are performed followed by an esophageal replacement procedure later in life. Distal fistula is treated with a esophago esophagostomy.
- H fistula may present later in life with recurrent RTIs and Pneumonia. Requires bronchoscopy to facilitate diagnosis.
- Esophageal stricture is the commonest complications that might require regular esophageal dilatation later in life.